USYS – Player Action Form

USYS – Medical Release Form

US CLUB  – Player Loan Form

US CLUB – Medical Release Form  

Team Managers and Coaches: remember that to use a guest player they have to be the same affiliation as your team; NO MIXED CARDS are permitted. For example, if your team is affiliated with USYS the guest has to be a player affiliated with USYS. Your team cannot use a US Club player as a guest because your team is not affiliated with US Club, etc.

Roster Freeze is Monday, February 26th 2024 at 8:59 PM Pacific Standard Time


Teams are expected to play on Friday night.

First Kick-off will be as early as 5:00 PM on Friday, February 28, 2025.

Please plan accordingly.

All Games are expected to be finished (including awards) by 5:00 PM on Sunday, March 2nd, 2025.

Please plan accordingly

Note that fields are always subject to potential change:

7v7 format 

Betty Wilson West – 2 fields

Kellogg Zaher Soccer Complex

Field # 1 or #2

9v9 format fields 

Kellogg Zaher Soccer Complex

Field # 2 through #7

11v11 format 

Kellogg Zaher Soccer Complex

Field #8 through #11

Betty Wilson Soccer Complex

Field #1 through #10

James Regional Soccer Complex

Field #1 through #16

Surf Cup Southwest is a Stay to Play event. We have partnered with ATHLETE TRAVEL to secure discounted room blocks at a variety of tournament approved hotels close to our venues. It is required that all teams traveling to this event reserve their hotel accommodations through ATHLETE TRAVEL. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


NYSA & US Club